Jenkins X Pipelines Internals

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While migrating pipelines from the Jenkins Declarative Syntax to the new Jenkins X YAML Syntax - built on top of Tekton - I learned a lot about the internals of the Jenkins X Pipelines, and wrote a series of blog posts to share what I learned:

  • The first part is a walk-through of a GitHub WebHook event coming to the cluster until it results in a running Tekton Pipeline. It explains how Prow understands the webhook event, “kind of” forwards it to Jenkins X, which retrieves the right pipeline to execute and translate it into a format that Tekton can understand.
  • The second part dives into the “Meta Pipeline”: the part of the workflow which is responsible for retrieving the right pipeline to execute, and to translate it into a format that Tekton can understand.
  • The third and fourth parts are focused on the stages and steps that compose a pipeline.

You can read the series on Medium.

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