The main open-source projects I created. See also the list of my “source” repositories on GitHub for more.
In 2020, I created Octopilot: a CLI tool designed to help you automate your Gitops workflow, by automatically creating and merging GitHub Pull Requests to update specific content in Git repositories.
Since 2020, I started contributing more to Jenkins X by creating new components, mainly for observability - but also web UIs.
In 2015-2016, while using OpenShift, I developed a few open-source projects on top of the Kubernetes/OpenShift APIs: integrations with Git, GitHub, Flowdock, Cucumber, and a dashboard.
In 2011 I wrote a Jenkins plugin to integrate Rundeck as a publisher, thus enabling Continuous Delivery pipelines using Rundeck to deploy.
In 2011, following the Jenkins Rundeck plugin, I extracted the code that talked to the Rundeck REST API into its own project: the Rundeck API Java Client.
In 2014 I created a small Scala project to import data from Flowdock into Elasticsearch, so that I could play with Kibana dashboards and visualizations.
In 2013, I wrote a wrapper on top of the Cascading project to provide a fluent API.
In 2011 I joined the newly created Paris DevOps group, organized meetups and wrote the website using Jekyll on GitHub Pages.